Saturday 5 January 2013

Veggie soup for the soul... stories of amazing animals

If you've ever worked with animals or shared your home with them, you'll know for certain that all of them are sentient beings, just as we are - with intelligence, emotions and distinct personalities.
Each week on this blog I'll seek out a story from across the world that shows the true nature of the animals that we share our planet with. Stories that inspire, lift the heart and demonstrate their equality to man and their right to a peaceful existence.

'the elephant and the dog'

It's long been scientifically recognised that both elephants and dogs are highly intelligent and emotional animals. Never has this fact been more demonstrated by the relationship that Tarra, an elephant at a sanctuary in Tennessee, formed with a stray dog called Bella.
The two played, ate and slept together and when Bella was seriously ill Tarra maintained vigil by her side for weeks.
Renowned biologist Joyce Poole even observed Tarra delicately lifting one of her her enormous legs to stroke the belly of the dog and also using her trunk to try and cradle her.
Sadly Bella was attacked and killed by coyotes - but even then Tarra found her and gently carried the body of her best friend of 8 years back to the place where they had spent much of their time - in order to mourn her loss.

All of the staff at the sanctuary were so moved by the strong bond that the two had formed, that when Bella died they set up a tribute page for her.

You can watch the two playing together here:

Have a wonderful weekend.


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