Thursday 1 August 2013

Conversations with a Vegan...

I'm writing up real life 'Conversations with a Vegan'  to open up discussion on how best to talk about what it means to be vegan.
To those who have gone through all of this before me I welcome your advice and input on how I might improve what I say.
To those, who like me, are just starting out on this wonderful new life, then perhaps we can learn together?
And if you're one of the people who I might end up having a conversation with, then I hope these posts help to give you some interesting insight, and of course, as ever, please don't hesitate to contact me with any thoughts or questions.
Ch xx

Place - checkout of Tesco's Cullompton, Devon
Time: approx midday
Person: Female checkout assistant
Situation: commenting on my bottle of Agave syrup as she scanned it


Ooh that looks new - what is it? Is it like honey?

Yes it is like honey - it's a great substitute for it, but it's plant based.
Oh its lovely and light as well - we have it on everything, cereal, in drinks etc
It's also low GI so it doesn't raise your blood sugar too quickly... 

Oh are you into the low GI thing then?

Well yes partly, but we use it mainly because we're Vegan so we don't eat or use any animal products at all - including honey.

Oh right, do you feel better for being vegan? Healthier?

[sensing real interest at this point]

Yes massively! It's made a huge difference to us, I mean Dave has diabetes and it has practically cured him! You do feel really good eating like this. I don't miss animal products at all.

Isn't it hard though - I mean what is there to eat?

Here's the thing though - when you cook meat, you tend to cook the same things all the time and I know just how automatic it was easy for me to just cook some meat and two veg - classic. 

Mmm yes I think you're right...

But if you take meat and dairy away it forces you to rethink your food and start getting creative and now we eat far more variety than we ever did before! It's taken me a little while to get used to, but it is sooo much more interesting and tasty.
I can vouch for that!

Wow that's really interesting...

[then she reached for a pack of chicken to scan and I got a quizzical look...!]

Ah yes - this is for our dogs - they are a bit off colour and off their food so we've bought them some plain chicken - but at £8.00 for two chicken breasts - even if they are free range - I'm hoping they will be OK soon!

Wow god that is expensive isn't it?!
Will you be OK with cooking this then?

Well it's not ideal but I've eaten and cooked meat for years so I will be OK with it as it's for them - but I'd rather not be doing it - no.

Oh right - yeah of course.

[as the bill rings through at £75]

That's the other thing too - it works out a lot cheaper to be vegan - I mean the cost of food is so high now that taking meat and dairy off the menu does save some money - especially once you get your larder stocked up in a different way.

Yeah it is expensive. Mmm that's interesting.

[Payment, pleasantries and goodbyes...]

So from one small comment about a product someone hadn't seen before, came a gentle, informative conversation where this lady was genuinely interested in veganism and asked some pertinent questions. I would guess judging by the fact that she asked how it made us feel that she has maybe heard/read that it makes you either feel unwell or feel great. I'm glad we were able to share our experiences with her.
With hindsight, I should have spoken about being Vegan right from the start rather than GI - but I was lucky that she pursued our chat further...

Chantal xx

p.s. feeding our dogs chicken (on vets advice) is a topic for future discussion on another post I'm writing about companion animals, such as dogs, being vegan too...

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