I'm not sure if its fanciful thinking but I seem to recall as a kid that at the end of the news every night there would always be a little 'feelgood' story - something to warm the cockles after the doom and gloom of the main news.
Well, it seems the beeb have perhaps been told that they need to revise this tradition - (as for a while there it got pretty stark and bleak) and I've noticed lately that the 'awwww'-smiley-inducing end stories are making a bit of a comeback. AND a lot of them focus on animals and their 'amazing' behaviour.
And so for the subject of my weekly 'Amazing animals' post, yet again:
Mariska, nicknamed the 'houdini' horse, has learned to unbolt her stable door and indeed that of others. They didn't discuss whether she had made a break for it (presumably she might have done if badly treated) but she's clearly got an independent streak.
See more, read more here.
Animals are so underestimated for their intelligence and logic but their ability to reason and solve problems is well documented by scientists and by so many people who have regular contact with animals.
Yet humans consider themselves to be superior to horses and all other living things. It strikes me that a true sign of 'superiority' (I hesitate to even call it that, as it sounds negative) would be to recognise that ALL species are equal and have equal rights - rights to live in peace, without pain, fear and the threat of abuse.
So well done Mariska - for trying to get your voice heard in a world full of humans, most of whom aren't yet listening.
Chantal xx
have a great weekend x